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Naso Hebrew Parsha – 6th Aliyah

Naso (נָשֹׂא)

Numbers 4:21 – 7:89

Sixth Aliyah

On the sixth day, it was the leader of Gad’s descendants, Elyassaf son of Deuel.
Bayom hashishi nasi livney Gad Elyasaf ben-De’u’el.
בַּיּוֹם, הַשִּׁשִּׁי, נָשִׂיא, לִבְנֵי גָד–אֶלְיָסָף, בֶּן-דְּעוּאֵל.

His offering was one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one sacrificial basin weighing 70 shekels by the sanctuary standard, both filled with wheat meal kneaded with oil for a meal offering;
Korbano ka’arat-kesef achat shloshim ume’ah mishkalah mizrak echad kesef shiv’im shekel beshekel hakodesh shneyhem mele’im solet blulah vashemen leminchah.
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת-כֶּסֶף אַחַת, שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ, מִזְרָק אֶחָד כֶּסֶף, שִׁבְעִים שֶׁקֶל בְּשֶׁקֶל הַקֹּדֶשׁ; שְׁנֵיהֶם מְלֵאִים, סֹלֶת בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן–לְמִנְחָה.

one gold incense bowl weighing 10 [shekels], filled with incense;
Kaf achat asarah zahav mele’ah ketoret.
כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה זָהָב, מְלֵאָה קְטֹרֶת.

one young bull, one ram and one yearling sheep for a burnt offering;
Par echad ben-bakar ayil echad keves-echad ben-shnato le’olah.
פַּר אֶחָד בֶּן-בָּקָר, אַיִל אֶחָד כֶּבֶשׂ-אֶחָד בֶּן-שְׁנָתוֹ–לְעֹלָה.

one goat for a sin offering;
Se’ir-izim echad lechatat.
שְׂעִיר-עִזִּים אֶחָד, לְחַטָּאת.

and for the peace sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling sheep. That was the offering of Elyassaf son of Deuel.
Ulezevach hashlamim bakar shnayim eylim chamishah atudim chamishah kvasim beney-shanah chamishah zeh korban Elyasaf ben-De’u’el.
וּלְזֶבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים, בָּקָר שְׁנַיִם, אֵילִם חֲמִשָּׁה עַתֻּדִים חֲמִשָּׁה, כְּבָשִׂים בְּנֵי-שָׁנָה חֲמִשָּׁה: זֶה קָרְבַּן אֶלְיָסָף, בֶּן-דְּעוּאֵל.

On the seventh day, it was a leader of Ephraim’s descendants, Elishama son of Amihud.
Bayom hashvi’i nasi livney Efrayim Elishama ben-Amihud.
בַּיּוֹם, הַשְּׁבִיעִי, נָשִׂיא, לִבְנֵי אֶפְרָיִם–אֱלִישָׁמָע, בֶּן-עַמִּיהוּד.

His offering was one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one silver sacrificial basin weighing 70 shekels by the sanctuary standard, both filled with wheat meal kneaded with oil for a grain offering;
Korbano ka’arat-kesef achat shloshim ume’ah mishkalah mizrak echad kesef shiv’im shekel beshekel hakodesh shneyhem mele’im solet blulah vashemen leminchah.
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת-כֶּסֶף אַחַת, שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ, מִזְרָק אֶחָד כֶּסֶף, שִׁבְעִים שֶׁקֶל בְּשֶׁקֶל הַקֹּדֶשׁ; שְׁנֵיהֶם מְלֵאִים, סֹלֶת בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן–לְמִנְחָה.

one gold incense bowl weighing 10 [shekels], filled with incense;
Kaf achat asarah zahav mele’ah ktoret.
כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה זָהָב, מְלֵאָה קְטֹרֶת.

one young bull, one ram and one yearling sheep for a burnt offering;
Par echad ben-bakar ayil echad keves-echad ben-shnato le’olah.
פַּר אֶחָד בֶּן-בָּקָר, אַיִל אֶחָד כֶּבֶשׂ-אֶחָד בֶּן-שְׁנָתוֹ–לְעֹלָה.

one goat for a sin offering;
Se’ir-izim echad lechatat.
שְׂעִיר-עִזִּים אֶחָד, לְחַטָּאת.

and for the peace sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling sheep. That was the offering of Elishama son of Amihud.
Ulezevach hashlamim bakar shnayim eylim chamishah atudim chamishah kvasim beney-shanah chamishah zeh korban Elishama ben-Amihud.
וּלְזֶבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים, בָּקָר שְׁנַיִם, אֵילִם חֲמִשָּׁה עַתֻּדִים חֲמִשָּׁה, כְּבָשִׂים בְּנֵי-שָׁנָה חֲמִשָּׁה: זֶה קָרְבַּן אֱלִישָׁמָע, בֶּן-עַמִּיהוּד.

On the eighth day, it was a leader of Manasseh’s descendants, Gamliel son of Padah-tzur.
Bayom hashmini nasi livney Menasheh Gamli’el ben-Pedatsur.
בַּיּוֹם, הַשְּׁמִינִי, נָשִׂיא, לִבְנֵי מְנַשֶּׁה–גַּמְלִיאֵל, בֶּן-פְּדָהצוּר.

His offering was one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one silver sacrificial basin weighing 70 shekels by the sanctuary standard, both filled with wheat meal kneaded with oil for a grain offering;
Korbano ka’arat-kesef achat shloshim ume’ah mishkalah mizrak echad kesef shiv’im shekel beshekel hakodesh shneyhem mele’im solet blulah vashemen leminchah.
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת-כֶּסֶף אַחַת, שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ, מִזְרָק אֶחָד כֶּסֶף, שִׁבְעִים שֶׁקֶל בְּשֶׁקֶל הַקֹּדֶשׁ; שְׁנֵיהֶם מְלֵאִים, סֹלֶת בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן–לְמִנְחָה.

one gold incense bowl weighing 10 [shekels] filled with incense;
Kaf achat asarah zahav mele’ah ktoret.
כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה זָהָב, מְלֵאָה קְטֹרֶת.

one young bull, one ram and one yearling sheep for a burnt offering;
Par echad ben-bakar ayil echad keves-echad ben-shnato le’olah.
פַּר אֶחָד בֶּן-בָּקָר, אַיִל אֶחָד כֶּבֶשׂ-אֶחָד בֶּן-שְׁנָתוֹ–לְעֹלָה.

one goat for a sin offering;
Se’ir-izim echad lechatat.
שְׂעִיר-עִזִּים אֶחָד, לְחַטָּאת.

and for the peace sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling sheep. This was the offering of Gamliel son of Padah-tzur.
Ulezevach hashlamim bakar shnayim eylim chamishah atudim chamishah kvasim beney-shanah chamishah zeh korban Gamli’el ben-Pedatsur.
וּלְזֶבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים, בָּקָר שְׁנַיִם, אֵילִם חֲמִשָּׁה עַתֻּדִים חֲמִשָּׁה, כְּבָשִׂים בְּנֵי-שָׁנָה חֲמִשָּׁה: זֶה קָרְבַּן גַּמְלִיאֵל, בֶּן-פְּדָהצוּר.

On the ninth day, it was the leader of Benjamin’s descendants, Avidan son of Gid’oni.
Bayom hatshi’i nasi livney Vinyamin Avidan ben-Gid’oni.
בַּיּוֹם, הַתְּשִׁיעִי, נָשִׂיא, לִבְנֵי בִנְיָמִן–אֲבִידָן, בֶּן-גִּדְעֹנִי.

His offering was one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one silver sacrificial basin weighing 70 shekels by the sanctuary standard, both filled with wheat kneaded with oil for a grain offering;
Korbano ka’arat-kesef achat shloshim ume’ah mishkalah mizrak echad kesef shiv’im shekel beshekel hakodesh shneyhem mele’im solet blulah vashemen leminchah.
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת-כֶּסֶף אַחַת, שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ, מִזְרָק אֶחָד כֶּסֶף, שִׁבְעִים שֶׁקֶל בְּשֶׁקֶל הַקֹּדֶשׁ; שְׁנֵיהֶם מְלֵאִים, סֹלֶת בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן–לְמִנְחָה.

one incense bowl weighing 10 [shekels] filled with incense;
Kaf achat asarah zahav mele’ah ktoret.
כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה זָהָב, מְלֵאָה קְטֹרֶת.

one young bull, one ram and one yearling sheep for a burnt offering;
Par echad ben-bakar ayil echad keves-echad ben-shnato le’olah.
פַּר אֶחָד בֶּן-בָּקָר, אַיִל אֶחָד כֶּבֶשׂ-אֶחָד בֶּן-שְׁנָתוֹ–לְעֹלָה.

one goat for a sin offering;
Se’ir-izim echad lechatat.
שְׂעִיר-עִזִּים אֶחָד, לְחַטָּאת.

and for the peace sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling sheep. That was the offering of Avidan son of Gid’oni.
Ulezevach hashlamim bakar shnayim eylim chamishah atudim chamishah kvasim beney-shanah chamishah zeh korban Avidan ben-Gid’oni.
וּלְזֶבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים, בָּקָר שְׁנַיִם, אֵילִם חֲמִשָּׁה עַתֻּדִים חֲמִשָּׁה, כְּבָשִׂים בְּנֵי-שָׁנָה חֲמִשָּׁה: זֶה קָרְבַּן אֲבִידָן, בֶּן-גִּדְעֹנִי.

On the tenth day, it was the leader of Dan’s descendants, Achiezer son of Ami-shaddai.
Bayom ha’asiri nasi livney Dan Achi’ezer ben-Amishaday.
בַּיּוֹם, הָעֲשִׂירִי, נָשִׂיא, לִבְנֵי דָן–אֲחִיעֶזֶר, בֶּן-עַמִּישַׁדָּי.

His offering was one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one silver sacrificial basin weighing 70 shekels by the sanctuary standard, both filled with wheat meal for a grain offering;
Korbano ka’arat-kesef achat shloshim ume’ah mishkalah mizrak echad kesef shiv’im shekel beshekel hakodesh shneyhem mele’im solet blulah vashemen leminchah.
קָרְבָּנוֹ קַעֲרַת-כֶּסֶף אַחַת, שְׁלֹשִׁים וּמֵאָה מִשְׁקָלָהּ, מִזְרָק אֶחָד כֶּסֶף, שִׁבְעִים שֶׁקֶל בְּשֶׁקֶל הַקֹּדֶשׁ; שְׁנֵיהֶם מְלֵאִים, סֹלֶת בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן–לְמִנְחָה.

one gold incense bowl weighing 10 [shekels] filled with incense;
Kaf achat asarah zahav mele’ah ketoret.
כַּף אַחַת עֲשָׂרָה זָהָב, מְלֵאָה קְטֹרֶת.

one young bull, one ram and one yearling sheep for a burnt offering;
Par echad ben-bakar ayil echad keves-echad ben-shnato le’olah.
פַּר אֶחָד בֶּן-בָּקָר, אַיִל אֶחָד כֶּבֶשׂ-אֶחָד בֶּן-שְׁנָתוֹ–לְעֹלָה.

one goat for a sin offering;
Se’ir-izim echad lechatat.
שְׂעִיר-עִזִּים אֶחָד, לְחַטָּאת.

and for the peace sacrifice, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling sheep. That was the offering of Achiezer son of Ami-shaddai.
Ulezevach hashlamim bakar shnayim eylim chamishah atudim chamishah kvasim beney-shanah chamishah zeh korban Achi’ezer ben-Amishaday.
וּלְזֶבַח הַשְּׁלָמִים, בָּקָר שְׁנַיִם, אֵילִם חֲמִשָּׁה עַתֻּדִים חֲמִשָּׁה, כְּבָשִׂים בְּנֵי-שָׁנָה חֲמִשָּׁה: זֶה קָרְבַּן אֲחִיעֶזֶר, בֶּן-עַמִּישַׁדָּי.