Levi Eshkol, Prime Minister
(4 Tammuz 5723 — 26 June 1963)
(4 Tammuz 5723 — 26 June 1963)
In photo, right to left: Behor Shalom Shitrit, Minister of Police; Zalman Aranne, Minister of Education and Culture; Zerah Warhaftig, Minister of Religious Affairs; Eliahu Sasson, Minister of Posts; Pinhas Sapir, Minister of Finance, Trade and Industry; Yosef Almogi, Minister of Housing and Development; Abba Eban, Deputy Prime Minister; Dov Yosef, Minister of Justice; Golda Meir, Foreign Minister; Zalman Shazar, Third President; Levi Eshkol, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense; Haim Moshe Shapira, Minister of Interior and Health; Yosef Burg, Minister of Social Welfare; Yigal Allon, Minister of Labor; Moshe Dayan, Minister of Agriculture; Yael Uzai, Cabinet Secretary