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22nd Government

Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister
(17 Tishrei 5747 — 20 October 1986)


22nd Government


In photo, right to left – seated: David Levy, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction and Housing; Shimon Peres, Vice Premier and Foreign Minister; Chaim Herzog, Sixth President; Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister; Yitzhak Navon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education and Culture

Standing: Ariel Sharon, Minister of Industry and Trade; Yitzhak Modai, Minister without Portfolio; Ezer Weizman, Minister without Portfolio; Yigael Hurwitz, Minister without Portfolio; Avraham Sharir, Minister of Justice; Yitzhak Peretz, Minister of Interior; Moshe Shahal, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure; Zevulun Hammer, Minister of Religious Affairs; Gideon Patt, Minister of Science and Development; Yosef Shapira, Minister without Portfolio; Shoshana Arbelli Almozlino, Minister of Health; Yaacov Tzur, Minister of Immigrant Absorption; Gad Yaacobi, Minister of Economics and Planning; Haim Bar Lev, Minister of Police; Moshe Katsav, Minister of Labor and Welfare; Amnon Rubinstein, Minister of Communications; Moshe Arens, Minister without Portfolio; Arik Nehemkin, Minister of Agriculture; Yitzhak Rabin, Minister of Defense; Moshe Nissim, Minister of Finance; Yossi Beilin, Cabinet Secretary