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28th Government

Ehud Barak, Prime Minister
(3 Sivan 5759 — 18 May 1999)

28th Government

In photo, right to left – seated: Ehud Barak, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense; Ezer Weizman, Seventh President

Standing: Yitzhak Herzog, Cabinet Secretary; Shimon Peres, Minister of Regional Cooperation; Yossi Beilin, Minister of Justice; Amnon Lipkin Shahak, Minister of Tourism; Eli Suissa, Minister of National Infrastructures; Natan Sharansky, Minister of Interior; Yitzhak Levy, Minister of Construction and Housing; Yitzhak Cohen, Minister of Religious Affairs; Shlomo Ben-Ami, Minister of Public Security; Michael Melchior, Minister for Diaspora Affairs; Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Minister of Communications and Deputy Prime Minister; Avraham Shohat, Minister of Finance; Yitzhak Mordechai, Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister; David Levy, Foreign Minister; Ran Cohen, Minister of Industry and Trade; Dalia Itzik, Minister of Environment; Matan Vilnai, Minister of Science, Culture and Sport; Yossi Sarid, Minister of Education and Culture; Haim Ramon, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister; Yuli (Yael) Tamir, Minister of Immigrant Absorption; Haim Oron, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development; Eli Yishai, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs

Note: The cabinet underwent changes with the resignation of Meretz from the coalition in June 2000, and of Shas, the NRP and Yisrael Ba-Aliyah in July 2000.