Akhlah Mascot

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Purim Play


Scene 1


The setting is the palace of King Ahasuerus. The king is surrounded by his wise men and Haman as he sits on the throne.


My king, your decision to do away with your disobedient wife Vashti was very wise. This kingdom offers many beautiful who desire to prove their worthiness to you and who will submit to your will.


Organize a beauty pageant at once so I may choose the fairest woman for my new bride, Ah … it’s good to be King!

Scene 2


Meanwhile in a nearby village …


My dear niece Ester, your position next to King Ahasuerus as his queen would help our people be aware of the evil plans towards the Jews. Please sign up for that training course on “How to marry a Persian King.” You can use me as one of your “lifelines”.


I’ll agree to enter the contest. I will do what is necessary for the safety of my people. But, I won’t wear a bikini. I won’t tell anyone that I am Jewish.

Scene 3


The parade of beauties is held in front of the King. Esther wins hands down! She and the King are married and Esther is crowned Queen [put crown on Esther ] Later that same day …


Your majesty, there are people among us who refuse to bow down to us and are trying to cause the collapse of your kingdom. They are very dangerous. I feel we must do away with them.


[While taking off his ring and giving it to Haman ] You have my permission to kill whoever these people are.


[playing dice surrounded by his friends] Ok, a one will stand for Monday and a six for Saturday. [Haman throws the dice] All right, three – Let the killing of the Jews commence Wednesday. Let’s see … that falls on Purim, the 14th of Adar.

Scene 4


Unknown to the King and Haman, Mordecai overhears this conversation and runs to tell Queen Esther. [Setting is a side room away from the throne]


You must convince the King to stop the war against the Jews. Take him some of those hamantaschen you baked for last weeks Hadassah luncheon.


It is a very dangerous task you ask of me. I shall pray and fast for three days. [whispers] I hope your plan works.

Scene 5


Following the dinner party, the queen asks for admittance to King Ahasuerus’ throne. When he sees his beautiful Esther, he lowers his scepter to allow her to enter.


My generous king, I beg of you — Don’t kill the Jews. You would have to kill me as well … for you see I am also a Jew. Besides, if you check your Book of Records you will find that my uncle Mordecai saved your life.

Scene 6


The next day the king receives Haman in his Royal Chamber.


You know Haman I was reading in the Book of Records last night and I saw I never properly thanked the person who saved my life. What should be done for such a hero?


Why, I believe he should be allowed to ride your beloved horse throughout Shushan for all to see.


Fine. Go fetch a saddle large enough for Mordecai the Jew.


But … but … Surely you jest sire !


Do as I say … and don’t call me Shirley!

Scene 7


The battle takes place on Purim day. Under the fearless direction of Mordecai, the Jews are victorious. Following the victory the King walks over to his men. [Setting is on the outside grounds of the palace]


Take Haman to the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai. Haman and his sons are the ones that will hang from these gallows! Have Esther make some hamentashen for the celebration to follow.

Ahasuerus, Esther & Mordecai

YES !!!


And the Jews were respected throughout Persia after the whole Megillah was over.