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Shabbat Songs

This is a collection of songs for Shabbat that are traditionally done at the Friday night service. Akhlah would like to thank Leah Cassorla for singing them and allowing us to use them. All of the songs are MP3 format and should be compatible with most systems.


Shabbat Songs

Adon Olam 

Alenu (Short Version)

Alenu (Long Version) 

Barhu (Call to Worship) 

Hatzi Kaddish 

Havu Ladonai 

Kiddush For Shabbat 

Leha Dodi 

Ma Tovu 

Magen Avot 

Mi Hamoha 


Shalom Alechem

Torah Service 

Tzadik Katammar 


Yedid Nefish