Jewish Quiz – Week 17 Results Great Job! Give it another try #1. Name the holiday when we use the Lulav and Etrog Hanukkah Hanukkah Sukkot Sukkot Shavuot Shavuot Yom Kippur Yom Kippur #2. Who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers? Joseph Joseph Moses Moses Aaron Aaron Rashi Rashi #3. Which two seas are actually lakes in Israel? Sea of Reeds & Red Sea Sea of Reeds & Red Sea Sea of Galilee & Sea of Reeds Sea of Galilee & Sea of Reeds Sea of Galilee & Dead Sea Sea of Galilee & Dead Sea Mediterranean Sea & Sea of Reeds Mediterranean Sea & Sea of Reeds #4. The sons of Jacob went to Egypt and were accused of being what? Farmers Farmers Thieves Thieves Cattle Rustlers Cattle Rustlers Spies Spies #5. Name the ritual bath that makes a person ritually clean Mikvah Mikvah Shower in a bath Shower in a bath Swimming in a Pool Swimming in a Pool The Dead Sea The Dead Sea Finish