Jewish Quiz – Week 50 Results Great Job! Give it another try #1. What does Haroset symbolize? Mud that we made bricks with Mortar when we were slaves in Egypt Tears in the sand The soup we ate as slaves #2. Where did Moses escape to afte killing the Egyptian taskmaster? Midian [Ex 2:11-15] Padan Aram [Ex 2:11-15] Jerico [Ex 2:11-15] The Land of Nod [Ex 2:11-15] #3. What do the words “Tel Aviv” mean? "Hill of Avraham" "Hill of Sand" "Hill of Spring" "Hill of Hopes" #4. Where did the ark come to rest? Mountains of Zion Judean Hills Mount Nebo Mountains of Ararrat #5. What Friday night song is an expression of longing for Jerusalem? Yedi Nefish Adon Olam Kaddish Lekah Dodi Finish