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BeHa’alothekha Hebrew Parsha – 4th Aliyah

BeHa’alothekha (בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ)

Numbers 8:1 – 12:16

Fourth Aliyah


On the day that the Tabernacle was erected, the cloud covered the Tabernacle, the Tent of Testimony. Then, in the evening, there was something that appeared to be like fire on the Tabernacle, [remaining there] until morning.
Uveyom hakim et-haMishkan kisah he’anan et-haMishkan le’ohel ha’edut uva’erev yihyeh al-haMishkan kemar’eh-esh ad-boker.
וּבְיוֹם, הָקִים אֶת-הַמִּשְׁכָּן, כִּסָּה הֶעָנָן אֶת-הַמִּשְׁכָּן, לְאֹהֶל הָעֵדֻת; וּבָעֶרֶב יִהְיֶה עַל-הַמִּשְׁכָּן, כְּמַרְאֵה-אֵשׁ–עַד-בֹּקֶר.

From then on it remained that way. There was a cloud covering it [by day], and a fire-like apparition by night.
Ken yihyeh tamid he’anan yechasenu umar’eh-esh laylah.
כֵּן יִהְיֶה תָמִיד, הֶעָנָן יְכַסֶּנּוּ; וּמַרְאֵה-אֵשׁ, לָיְלָה.

Whenever the cloud rose up from the Tent, the Israelites would set out on the march. The Israelites would then camp in the place where the cloud rested.
Ulefi he’alot he’anan me’al ha’ohel ve’acharey chen yis’u beney Yisra’el uvimkom asher yishkon-sham he’anan sham yachanu beney Yisra’el.
וּלְפִי הֵעָלוֹת הֶעָנָן, מֵעַל הָאֹהֶל–וְאַחֲרֵי כֵן, יִסְעוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וּבִמְקוֹם, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכָּן-שָׁם הֶעָנָן–שָׁם יַחֲנוּ, בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל.

The Israelites would thus move on at God’s bidding, and at God’s bidding they would remain in one place for as long as the cloud remained on the Tabernacle.
Al-pi Adonay yis’u bney Yisra’el ve’al-pi Adonay yachanu kol-yemey asher yishkon he’anan al-haMishkan yachanu.
עַל-פִּי יְהוָה, יִסְעוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, וְעַל-פִּי יְהוָה, יַחֲנוּ: כָּל-יְמֵי, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכֹּן הֶעָנָן עַל-הַמִּשְׁכָּן–יַחֲנוּ.

If the cloud remained over the Tabernacle for a long time, the Israelites would keep their trust in God and not travel on.
Uveha’arich he’anan al-haMishkan yamim rabim veshameru veney-Yisra’el et-mishmeret Adonay velo yisa’u.
וּבְהַאֲרִיךְ הֶעָנָן עַל-הַמִּשְׁכָּן, יָמִים רַבִּים–וְשָׁמְרוּ בְנֵי-יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת-מִשְׁמֶרֶת יְהוָה, וְלֹא יִסָּעוּ.

In some cases, the cloud would remain on the Tabernacle for just a few days, and they would similarly remain camped at God’s word, and then move on at God’s word.
Veyesh asher yihyeh he’anan yamim mispar al-haMishkan al-pi Adonay yachanu ve’al-pi Adonay yisa’u.
וְיֵשׁ אֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה הֶעָנָן, יָמִים מִסְפָּר–עַל-הַמִּשְׁכָּן; עַל-פִּי יְהוָה יַחֲנוּ, וְעַל-פִּי יְהוָה יִסָּעוּ.

There were even cases where the cloud remained [only] from evening to morning; when the cloud then rose in the morning, they would travel on. [At other times, it might be] for a day and night, and they would then move on when the cloud rose.
Veyesh asher yihyeh he’anan me’erev ad-boker vena’alah he’anan baboker venasa’u o yomam valaylah vena’alah he’anan venasa’u.
וְיֵשׁ אֲשֶׁר-יִהְיֶה הֶעָנָן, מֵעֶרֶב עַד-בֹּקֶר, וְנַעֲלָה הֶעָנָן בַּבֹּקֶר, וְנָסָעוּ; אוֹ יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה, וְנַעֲלָה הֶעָנָן וְנָסָעוּ.

Thus, whether it was for two days, a month, or a full year, no matter how long the cloud remained at rest over [the Tabernacle], the Israelites would remain in one place and not move on. Then, when [the cloud] rose, they would continue on their travels.
O-yomayim o-chodesh o-yamim beha’arich he’anan al-haMishkan lishkon alav yachanu veney-Yisra’el velo yisa’u uvehe’aloto yisa’u.
אוֹ-יֹמַיִם אוֹ-חֹדֶשׁ אוֹ-יָמִים, בְּהַאֲרִיךְ הֶעָנָן עַל-הַמִּשְׁכָּן לִשְׁכֹּן עָלָיו, יַחֲנוּ בְנֵי-יִשְׂרָאֵל, וְלֹא יִסָּעוּ; וּבְהֵעָלֹתוֹ, יִסָּעוּ.

They thus camped at God’s word and moved on at God’s word, keeping their trust in God. [It was all done] according to God’s word through Moses.
Al-pi Adonay yachanu ve’al-pi Adonay yisa’u et-mishmeret Adonay shamaru al-pi Adonay beyad Moshe.
עַל-פִּי יְהוָה יַחֲנוּ, וְעַל-פִּי יְהוָה יִסָּעוּ: אֶת-מִשְׁמֶרֶת יְהוָה שָׁמָרוּ, עַל-פִּי יְהוָה בְּיַד-מֹשֶׁה.

God spoke to Moses, saying:
Vayedaber Adonay el-Moshe lemor.
וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר.

Make yourself two silver trumpets. Make them out of beaten metal. They shall be used by you to assemble the community and to make the camps break camp for their journeys.
Aseh lecha shtey chatsotserot kesef mikshah ta’aseh otam vehayu lecha lemikra ha’edah ulemasa et-hamachanot.
עֲשֵׂה לְךָ, שְׁתֵּי חֲצוֹצְרֹת כֶּסֶף–מִקְשָׁה, תַּעֲשֶׂה אֹתָם; וְהָיוּ לְךָ לְמִקְרָא הָעֵדָה, וּלְמַסַּע אֶת-הַמַּחֲנוֹת.

When [both of the trumpets] are sounded with a long note, the entire community shall assemble at the Communion Tent entrance.
Vetake’u bahen veno’adu eleycha kol-ha’edah el-petach Ohel Mo’ed.
וְתָקְעוּ, בָּהֵן–וְנוֹעֲדוּ אֵלֶיךָ כָּל-הָעֵדָה, אֶל-פֶּתַח אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד.

If a long note is sounded on [only] one of them, the princes, who are leaders of thousands in Israel, shall come together to you.
Ve’im-be’achat yitka’u veno’adu eleycha hanesi’im rashey alfey Yisra’el.
וְאִם-בְּאַחַת, יִתְקָעוּ–וְנוֹעֲדוּ אֵלֶיךָ הַנְּשִׂיאִים, רָאשֵׁי אַלְפֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל.

When you sound a series of short notes, the camps to the east shall begin the march.
Utekatem teru’ah venase’u hamachanot hachonim kedmah.
וּתְקַעְתֶּם, תְּרוּעָה–וְנָסְעוּ, הַמַּחֲנוֹת, הַחֹנִים, קֵדְמָה.

Then, when you sound a second series of short notes, the camps to the south shall set out.
Utkatem tru’ah shenit venas’u hamachanot hachonim teymanah tru’ah yitke’u lemas’eyhem.
וּתְקַעְתֶּם תְּרוּעָה, שֵׁנִית–וְנָסְעוּ הַמַּחֲנוֹת, הַחֹנִים תֵּימָנָה; תְּרוּעָה יִתְקְעוּ, לְמַסְעֵיהֶם.

However, when the community is to be assembled, [the trumpets] shall be sounded with a long note, and not with a series of short notes.
Uvehakhil et-hakahal titke’u velo tari’u.
וּבְהַקְהִיל, אֶת-הַקָּהָל–תִּתְקְעוּ, וְלֹא תָרִיעוּ.

The priests who are Aaron’s descendants shall be the ones to sound the trumpets. This shall be an eternal law for future generations.
Uveney Aharon hakohanim yitke’u bachatsotsrot vehayu lachem lechukat olam ledoroteychem.
וּבְנֵי אַהֲרֹן הַכֹּהֲנִים, יִתְקְעוּ בַּחֲצֹצְרוֹת; וְהָיוּ לָכֶם לְחֻקַּת עוֹלָם, לְדֹרֹתֵיכֶם.

When you go to war against an enemy who attacks you in your land, you shall sound a staccato on the trumpets. You will then be remembered before God your Lord, and will be delivered from your enemies.
Vechi-tavo’u milchamah be’artsechem al-hatsar hatsorer etchem vahare’otem bachatsotsrot venizkartem lifney Adonay Eloheychem venoshatem me’oyveychem.
וְכִי-תָבֹאוּ מִלְחָמָה בְּאַרְצְכֶם, עַל-הַצַּר הַצֹּרֵר אֶתְכֶם–וַהֲרֵעֹתֶם, בַּחֲצֹצְרֹת; וְנִזְכַּרְתֶּם, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם, וְנוֹשַׁעְתֶּם, מֵאֹיְבֵיכֶם.

One your days of rejoicing, on your festivals, and on your new-moon celebrations, you shall sound a note with the trumpets for your burnt offerings and your peace offerings. This shall be a remembrance before your God. I am God your Lord.
Uveyom simchatchem uvemo’adeychem uveroshey chodshechem utkatem bachatsotsrot al oloteychem ve’al zivechey shalmeychem vehayu lachem lezikaron lifney Eloheychem ani Adonay Eloheychem.
וּבְיוֹם שִׂמְחַתְכֶם וּבְמוֹעֲדֵיכֶם, וּבְרָאשֵׁי חָדְשֵׁיכֶם–וּתְקַעְתֶּם בַּחֲצֹצְרֹת עַל עֹלֹתֵיכֶם, וְעַל זִבְחֵי שַׁלְמֵיכֶם; וְהָיוּ לָכֶם לְזִכָּרוֹן לִפְנֵי אֱלֹהֵיכֶם, אֲנִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם.