Bereshit Quiz Results Great Job! Give it another try #1. What day did HaShem make Man? Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 #2. What day did HaShem make the birds of the sky? Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 #3. Which tree had fruit that should not be eaten? Apple Tree Lemon tree Orange tree Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil #4. Who was Adam’s wife? Eve Rachel Devorah Leah #5. Who tempted Adam’s wife to sin? The Serpent The Goat The Dog The Cat #6. Who did Cain kill? His brother - Gideon His brother - Abel His brother - Joseph His brother - Abraham #7. Cain went away to which land? Narnia Nod Eden Edom #8. Adam and his wife had another son. What was his name? Abraham Isaac Seth Cain Junior #9. Adam’s wife was created from ______ Dust A Golden calf Adam's Rib The air #10. When they were driven from the garden – which way did they go? North South East West Previous Finish