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Lech Lecha Hebrew Parsha – 1st Aliyah

Lech Lecha (לֶךְ-לְךָ)

Genesis 12:1 – 12:13

First Aliyah


God said to Abram, ‘Go away from your land, from your birthplace, and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you.
Vayomer Adonay el-Avram lech lecha me’artsecha umimoladetecha umibeyt avicha el-ha’arets asher ar’eka.
וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-אַבְרָם, לֶךְ-לְךָ מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ, אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר אַרְאֶךָּ.

I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you great. You shall become a blessing.
Ve’e’escha legoy-gadol va’avarechecha va’agadelah shemecha veheyeh berachah.
וְאֶעֶשְׂךָ, לְגוֹי גָּדוֹל, וַאֲבָרֶכְךָ, וַאֲגַדְּלָה שְׁמֶךָ; וֶהְיֵה, בְּרָכָה.

I will bless those who bless you, and he who curses you, I will curse. All the families of the earth will be blessed through you.’
Va’avarechah mevarachecha umekalelecha a’or venivrechu vecha kol mishpechot ha’adamah.
וַאֲבָרְכָה, מְבָרְכֶיךָ, וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ, אָאֹר; וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ, כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה.

Abram went as God had directed him, and Lot went with him. Abram was 75 years old when he left Charan.
Vayelech Avram ka’asher diber elav Adonay vayelech ito Lot ve’Avram ben chamesh shanim veshiv’im shanah betseto meCharan.
וַיֵּלֶךְ אַבְרָם, כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר אֵלָיו יְהוָה, וַיֵּלֶךְ אִתּוֹ, לוֹט; וְאַבְרָם, בֶּן-חָמֵשׁ שָׁנִים וְשִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה, בְּצֵאתוֹ, מֵחָרָן.

Abram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all their belongings, as well as the people they had gathered, and they left, heading toward Canaan. When they came to Canaan,
Vayikach Avram et-Saray ishto ve’et-Lot ben-achiv ve’et-kol-rechusham asher rachashu ve’et-hanefesh asher-asu veCharan vayetse’u lalechet artsah Kna’an vayavo’u artsah Kna’an.
וַיִּקַּח אַבְרָם אֶת-שָׂרַי אִשְׁתּוֹ וְאֶת-לוֹט בֶּן-אָחִיו, וְאֶת-כָּל-רְכוּשָׁם אֲשֶׁר רָכָשׁוּ, וְאֶת-הַנֶּפֶשׁ, אֲשֶׁר-עָשׂוּ בְחָרָן; וַיֵּצְאוּ, לָלֶכֶת אַרְצָה כְּנַעַן, וַיָּבֹאוּ, אַרְצָה כְּנָעַן.

Abram traveled through the land as far as the area of Shechem, coming to the Plain of Moreh. The Canaanites were then in the land.
Vaya’avor Avram ba’arets ad mekom Shchem ad elon Moreh vehaKna’ani az ba’arets.
וַיַּעֲבֹר אַבְרָם, בָּאָרֶץ, עַד מְקוֹם שְׁכֶם, עַד אֵלוֹן מוֹרֶה; וְהַכְּנַעֲנִי, אָז בָּאָרֶץ.

God appeared to Abram and said, ‘I will give this land to your off-spring.’ Abram built an altar there to God who had appeared to him.
Vayera Adonay el-Avram vayomer lezar’acha eten et-ha’arets hazot vayiven sham mizbe’ach l’Adonay hanir’eh elav.
וַיֵּרָא יְהוָה, אֶל-אַבְרָם, וַיֹּאמֶר, לְזַרְעֲךָ אֶתֵּן אֶת-הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת; וַיִּבֶן שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ, לַיהוָה הַנִּרְאֶה אֵלָיו.

From there, Abram moved on to the mountains east of Bethel. He set up his tent with Bethel to the West and Ai to the east. He built an altar there and called in God’s name.
Vayatek misham haharah mikedem leVeyt-El vayet aholoh Beyt-El miyam veha’Ay mikedem vayiven-sham mizbe’ach l’Adonay vayikra beshem Adonay.
יַּעְתֵּק מִשָּׁם הָהָרָה, מִקֶּדֶם לְבֵית-אֵל–וַיֵּט אָהֳלֹה; בֵּית-אֵל מִיָּם, וְהָעַי מִקֶּדֶם, וַיִּבֶן-שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ לַיהוָה, וַיִּקְרָא בְּשֵׁם יְהוָה.

Abram then continued on his way, moving steadily toward the south.
Vayisa Avram haloch venasoa hanegbah.
וַיִּסַּע אַבְרָם, הָלוֹךְ וְנָסוֹעַ הַנֶּגְבָּה.

There was a famine in the land. Abram headed south to Egypt to stay there for a while, since the famine had grown very severe in the land.
Vayehi ra’av ba’arets vayered Avram Mitsraymah lagur sham ki-chaved hara’av ba’arets.
וַיְהִי רָעָב, בָּאָרֶץ; וַיֵּרֶד אַבְרָם מִצְרַיְמָה לָגוּר שָׁם, כִּי-כָבֵד הָרָעָב בָּאָרֶץ.

As they approached Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, ‘I realize that you are a good-looking woman.
ayehi ka’asher hikriv lavo Mitsraymah vayomer el-Saray ishto hineh-na yadati ki ishah yefat-mar’eh at.
וַיְהִי, כַּאֲשֶׁר הִקְרִיב לָבוֹא מִצְרָיְמָה; וַיֹּאמֶר, אֶל-שָׂרַי אִשְׁתּוֹ, הִנֵּה-נָא יָדַעְתִּי, כִּי אִשָּׁה יְפַת-מַרְאֶה אָתְּ.

When the Egyptians see you, they will assume that you are my wife and kill me, allowing you to live
Vehayah ki-yir’u otach haMitsrim ve’amru ishto zot vehargu oti ve’otach yechayu.
וְהָיָה, כִּי-יִרְאוּ אֹתָךְ הַמִּצְרִים, וְאָמְרוּ, אִשְׁתּוֹ זֹאת; וְהָרְגוּ אֹתִי, וְאֹתָךְ יְחַיּוּ.

If you would, say that you are my sister. They will then be good to me for your sake, and through your efforts, my life will be spared.’
Imri-na achoti at lema’an yitav-li va’avurech vechaytah nafshi biglalech.
אִמְרִי-נָא, אֲחֹתִי אָתְּ–לְמַעַן יִיטַב-לִי בַעֲבוּרֵךְ, וְחָיְתָה נַפְשִׁי בִּגְלָלֵךְ.