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Pekudey Hebrew Parsha – 7th Aliyah

Pekudey (פְקוּדֵי)

Exodus 38:21 – 40:38

Seventh Aliyah

He placed the drape over the Tabernacle’s entrance.
Vayasem et-masach hapetach laMishkan.
וַיָּשֶׂם אֶת-מָסַךְ הַפֶּתַח, לַמִּשְׁכָּן.

He [then] placed the sacrificial altar in front of the entrance of the Communion Tent Tabernacle, and he sacrificed the burnt offering and meal offering on it. [It was all done] as God had commanded Moses.
Ve’et mizbach ha’olah sam petach Mishkan ohel-mo’ed vaya’al alav et-ha’olah ve’et-haminchah ka’asher tsivah Adonay et-Moshe.
וְאֵת, מִזְבַּח הָעֹלָה, שָׂם, פֶּתַח מִשְׁכַּן אֹהֶל-מוֹעֵד; וַיַּעַל עָלָיו, אֶת-הָעֹלָה וְאֶת-הַמִּנְחָה–כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָה, אֶת-מֹשֶׁה.

He set the washstand between the Communion Tent and the altar, and he filled it with water for washing.
Vayasem et-hakiyor beyn-Ohel Mo’ed uveyn hamizbe’ach vayiten shamah mayim lerochtsah.
וַיָּשֶׂם, אֶת-הַכִּיֹּר, בֵּין-אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד, וּבֵין הַמִּזְבֵּחַ; וַיִּתֵּן שָׁמָּה מַיִם, לְרָחְצָה.

Moses, Aaron, and [Aaron’s] sons, washed their hands and feet from it.
Verachatsu mimenu Moshe ve’Aharon uvanav et-yedeyhem ve’et-ragleyhem.
וְרָחֲצוּ מִמֶּנּוּ, מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן וּבָנָיו, אֶת-יְדֵיהֶם, וְאֶת-רַגְלֵיהֶם.

They would wash [in this manner] whenever they came to the Communion Tent or offered sacrifice on the altar. [It was all done] as God had commanded Moses.
Bevo’am el-Ohel Mo’ed uvekorvatam el-hamizbe’ach yirchatsu ka’asher tsivah Adonay et-Moshe.
בְּבֹאָם אֶל-אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד, וּבְקָרְבָתָם אֶל-הַמִּזְבֵּחַ–יִרְחָצוּ: כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָה, אֶת-מֹשֶׁה.

He set up the enclosure surrounding the tabernacle and altar, and he placed the drape over the enclosure’s entrance. With this, Moses completed all the work.
Vayakem et-hechatser saviv laMishkan velamizbe’ach vayiten et-masach sha’ar hechatser vayechal Moshe et-hamelachah.
וַיָּקֶם אֶת-הֶחָצֵר, סָבִיב לַמִּשְׁכָּן וְלַמִּזְבֵּחַ, וַיִּתֵּן, אֶת-מָסַךְ שַׁעַר הֶחָצֵר; וַיְכַל מֹשֶׁה, אֶת-הַמְּלָאכָה.